In your opinion, what role do traditional and modern decoration play in home design? If you ask me this question, I will confidently answer that home design is one of the key and important elements that multiplies the attractiveness of the environment. In addition, it will have a significant effect on increasing the quality of life of the residents of the house. So that nowadays interior designers try to create new and different designs by using the best methods in the world. In today’s world, where the traditional lifestyle has given way to urban life, the combination of traditional and modern decoration in the interior of the house will be considered an innovative approach.
This different style has had many fans until today and has connected individual identity and cultural heritage as much as possible. As far as the popularity of this design model increases every year. In this article, I have decided to share with you the combination of traditional and modern decoration in the interior of the house and review the most important points in this regard. If you intend to multiply the beauty of your home by choosing a new design style, stay with me until the end of this article.
The Difference Between Traditional and Modern Decoration
When it comes to the combination of traditional and modern decoration in the interior of the house, familiarity with these two styles should be prioritized. In fact, traditional decoration consists of designs that are produced using patterns and cultural materials. Traditional styles include many decorative details, exquisite and patterned fabrics, wooden furniture with patterns, etc. In addition, in the traditional decoration, each of the elements has its own existential philosophy.
However, it should be noted that these designs are different according to the history and culture of each region. Meanwhile, modern decorations are mostly designed based on efficiency and simplicity, and regular lines and soft colors are used in them. In this style, industrial materials are used and minimalism is prioritized. In addition, modern design seeks to create a simple and comfortable space where the beauty of the environment can be seen more. In this situation, the combination of two different decorations can create beautiful visual effects that will increase the attractiveness of the house.
How to Combine Traditional and Modern Decoration
To combine traditional and modern decoration in the interior of the house, it will be important to follow some principles. In this situation, by choosing colors, furniture and adding various decorations, this new style will be created to a large extent. According to the comprehensive research that I did for the design of this type of decoration, I realized that the most important points that are considered in the field of combining two traditional and modern styles include the following, which are respectively:
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Correct Color Selection
Colors play an important role in creating harmony and balance between different design styles. In this situation, using white and gray colors, which are known as neutral colors, provide an exceptional opportunity to combine other colors. In addition, by adding deep colors such as blue and green, the effect of the environment will change completely. At the same time, choosing dark and light colors will also play an important role in the general view of the interior design of the house.
Use of Furniture
Simple furniture is used in modern styles, while wooden patterned furniture is used in traditional styles. In this situation, you can create a combination of two decorations by choosing a new couch and simple designs, along with a classic chair and a coffee table. This way of designing multiplies the attractiveness of the environment and gives a new effect to the environment. However, the less details used in the table and chairs, the more modern the effect will be.
Using Accessories
In general, accessories can be used as the strengths of two styles and ultimately increase the beauty of the space. For example, along with decorative and traditional objects, you can use artistic panels. At the same time, hand-woven carpets and clay pots will also increase the diversity of the space. In addition, all the mirrors that are made using old frames will create a unique contrast with the new and modern lighting.
Creating a Focal Point and Using Texture
Large works of art or fireplaces can be used to combine traditional and modern decoration in the interior of the house. In addition, patterned wallpapers can also act as the focal point of the space and show the combination of two styles well. In addition, the combination of textures such as soft fabrics in traditional decoration or smooth surface will increase the depth of the space. For example, velvet cushions will be a suitable option for placing on sofas. In addition, traditional carpets will also improve the composition.
The Most Important Advantages of Using Traditional and Modern Decoration
The combination of traditional and modern decoration in the interior of the house will bring many benefits. Based on this, the most important advantages of combining two decorations will include visual diversity, flexibility, deep connection with culture and creating a warm and intimate environment. In fact, by using this type of combination, the design of the house will be out of uniformity. In addition, the combination of traditional and modern decoration in the interior of the house will make the design more popular. Meanwhile, with this type of design, cultural and historical identity will go hand in hand and the home environment will get a different atmosphere. So that the warm and intimate atmosphere created will create a greater sense of comfort.
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